Friday, February 5, 2016

Basal Thermometer

About this product: The product itself is very simple to use and the instructions are very clear. It will take up to 1 minute until the thermometer stops reading your body temp and it will make 3 beeps, so be patient.

My routine: I keep track of my basal temp while I TTC to help me achieve my goal faster.
Every morning before even getting up from the bed I reach down under my pillow and take out this thermometer place it under my tongue all the way to the back for better accurate reading. *Note is best to get basal temp before getting out from bed as result might not be as accurate*

After placing the thermometer under the tongue, I usually wait 1 minute until you hear 3 beeps indicating the reading is finalized giving you the highest temp and also the low temp. Since in the morning, it still too dark to read my temp or I might not have the phone with me to record my temperature, I just go on as I would normally do with my routine. So  when I'm ready I hold the power button and leave it pressed to read your last recorded temperature where I just go and record it on my app.

Conclusion: I recommend this product to anyone trying to conceive since tracking your basal temperature is one of the best ways to find out when you are ovulating. Today I found out I was pregnant and this product helped me along the way. After you Ovulate women will experience a spike in their BBT, but it will usually go down before you get your period. My Temp never went down so when I took the pregnancy test this morning and was positive I knew BBT is one of  the best ways to early pregnancy warning.

                                                                                                       Click here to buy

1 comment:

  1. I have this product also and its great! I also keep track of my bbt in order to conceive but so far no luck.
